Medieval James Himself

Medieval James Himself
Guide at Ozark Medieval Fortress

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Why Here in the Ozarks?

No doubt, the #1 most frequently asked question of people on their tour of the Ozark Medieval Fortress is: "Why here in the Ozarks?"  Good question!  How did it happen that a group of 14 French investors would want to build a full-sized medieval castle in these hills?  The short answer is - because they were invited.

French-born American citizens Jean-Marc (pictured) and Solange Mirat, in true Ozarks' Southern Hospitality fashion, invited the French investors after seeing a similar "castle in the making" in Burgundy, France.   Mirat explained that he had the perfect location, which included all necessary raw materials to build in the medieval style - timber, stone, water and eager workers. Despite viewing the property for the first time during the Ice Storm of 2008, the French fell in love with the Ozarks and the U.S. project was born.

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